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Buying and Selling Vintage Camera Equipment
We buy your old Cameras even if they don’t work!
Step 1
Email images of your camera to me at [email protected] and we'll decide whether to move onto Step 2.
Step 2
Mail your camera to me.
Step 3
We do a complete check up on your camera and estimate the current value.
Step 4
You collect the cash, or use the value towards a different camera or piece of equipment.
Why I do this
I love cameras. I have been doing this for most of my life. I have a passion for everything film. Most of my cameras get sold to first time film users. I love hearing the excitement of film newbies! Bob
I specialize in selling vintage 35mm cameras with a 90 day warranty. All of my cameras are professionally serviced and come with new light seals, mirror foams and new batteries. I must admit I have a long love and passion for Nikon gear. Also lots of other super cool and funky stuff!
The most beautiful and well-kept Leica that I EVER BOUGHT! Bob, I have no clue how you have these amazing pieces, but thank you for being so meticulous and well care with your products. You are a real treasure, man! Much love from Oshawa!
Just received the Nikon F2AS. OMG! Such a beautiful camera in such excellent condition. I feel like that young high schooler who just received his dream camera. Thanks Bob! Looking forward to seeing what other gems you might have in your store.